15 / 03 / 2023
On Wednesday, March 15, our CEO Wolfgang Frey gave a presentation to students of the Master's Degree in Sustainable Architecture and Energy at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, explaining our company's perspectives on sustainability and the Five Finger Principle.
01 / 03 / 2023
On March 1, 2023, our director Wolfgang Frey received the title of visiting professor from Soochow University in recognition of his and his company's many years of achievements in the field of sustainable construction and technology in China.
11 / 01 / 2023
In December, Wolfgang Frey visited Chile to meet with stakeholders from politics, science, architecture and construction and to initiate cooperations with the Frey Group.
28 / 11 / 2022
During a three-day visit to Freiburg and Heidelberg, Dr. Robert Cowley from King's College in London learned about green facades and the organization of neighborhood management at the Frey Group.
27 / 10 / 2022
On Wednesday, Member of the Bundestag Yannick Bury (CDU, picture center) from the constituency Emmendingen-Lahr visited the Frey Group in Freiburg's Rieselfeld.