25 / 11 / 2016
“Architecture is the design of living spaces – respectful for the dignity of life and responsible for the preserving of creation in the future. Using environmental friendly resources is a symbiosis between regional conditions and demands of human beings.” – Wolfgang Frey
14 / 11 / 2016
The Global awarded Frey Architekten for their ongoing project – “Heidelberg Village” as the Most Outstanding Passive House Design in the World in 2016 on 10th November in London.
01 / 11 / 2016
During 31st Oct. to 05th Nov. 2016, Sigmar Gabriel, Deputy Prime Minister of Germany and Minister of Economy & Energy Department, leaded a delegation consists of representatives of 60 companies on a visiting tour in China. Wolfgang Frey, CEO of Frey Archtekten and WFP Architekten, is one of these German companies representatives.
15 / 10 / 2016
The Protestant Diakonie Gallneukirchen celebrated its forty-fourth Martinstift-Symposium in the Brucnkernhaus in Linz, Austria on October 14, 2016. Deeply steeped in tradition, the Martinstift-Symposium is one of the most significant forums in Austria and is committed to one topic only: working with the disabled.
26 / 09 / 2016
Nanchang Zhongsen Honggu Yipin Kindergarten is the first passive house kindergarten in Jiangxi China. It was designed by WFP Architekten with cooperation of Beijing Residential Building Design Institute and German Passive House Institute.