27 / 06 / 2018
On 27 June 2018, the foundation stone laying ceremony for passive house community (Ⅱ) was successfully held in Sino-German Eco-Park.
21 / 06 / 2018
On June 21, a five-member delegation led by Mr. Yan Li, General Manager of Beijing Capital Development Holdings Group (hereinafter referred to as “CDH Group”) visited Heidelberg, the historical city of the Neckar River in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, and toured in the world’s largest passive urban project, the “New Train City” (Neu Bahnstadt ).
04 / 05 / 2018
Extracts (German):Wie gehen wir damit um, wenn ein Mensch pflegebedürftig wird? Dieses Buch stellt vier Modellprojekte vor. Geschichte, Konzepte, Architektur und Finanzierung der Projekte kommen zur Sprache, und Interviews mit Bewohnern, Angehörigen und Mitarbeitern sowie zahlreiche Farbfotos geben Einblicke in den Alltag der Menschen.Das Buch wendet sich an alle – ob ganze Gemeinden oder einzelne engagierte Bürger – die sich für das Thema interessieren und selbst nach individuellen Lösungen suchen. Schritt für Schritt veranschaulicht dieses Buch anhand von Bauste...
19 / 04 / 2018
On 19th April, Mr. Liu Yufeng, Vice president of Jiangsu Akcome Group and Prof. He Jijiang from Tsinghua University Energy Internet Research Institute in a group of four people visited Frey Architekten Group in “Green City” Freiburg, and exchanged the practical experience of the application of sustainable clean-energy technologies in green buildings.
03 / 04 / 2018
From  April 2 to April 3, 2018, the Fourteenth International Conference on Green and Energy-Efficient Building & New Technologies and Products Expo was held successfully at Zhuhai International Convention and Exhibition Center.
09 / 03 / 2018
The 22nd International Passive House Conference was successfully held in Munich from March 9 to March 10, 2018. It has attracted experts in passive house industry and passive house enthusiasts from more than 60 countries around the world, including around 250 representatives from China.
30 / 11 / 2017
On 30th November, Frey Architekten Group received  a 20-person delegation  of Qingdao Sino-German Ecopark Management Committee organized and led by Ms. Liu Wen, the associate counsel of Qingdao Sino-German Eco-park Management Committee in Rieselfeld, Germany.
13 / 10 / 2017
On October 13, 2017, Frey Architekten Group played host to the expert delegation from Tibetan Architecture Committee of National Architecture Institute of China in the “Green Capital” Freiburg, in Germany.
25 / 08 / 2017
The Second Passive House Asia Conference was successfully held in Tokyo, Japan on 25 August 2017.
04 / 08 / 2017
'Dr. Qiu Baoxing was responsible for the strategic direction of this development in his function as Chinese Vice Minister of Construction (ret.). When we met, I was most taken aback by his statement - which was completely unexpected for me - that sustainable development would not be possible with regulations alone. We need to build awareness, to advance mentalities. If the solutions are smart and serve creation, and if people understand the need and connections, they will do well. The added value of work done with commitment cannot be paid for with money.Qiu is an excellent authority on in...
04 / 08 / 2017
Extract (German): Sie kennen mich wahrscheinlich nicht. Noch nicht. Aber Sie werden mich kennenlernen. Und Sie werden sehr oft an mich denken, wenn Sie dieses Buch gelesen haben. Weil ich Ihnen ein Licht aufsetzen kann. Auch im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Natürlich sind Sie informiert, natürlich wissen Sie, dass unser Strom nicht aus der Steckdose kommt. Alle reden von der Energiewende. Sie auch. Ihnen kann geholfen werden. Hat Ihnen schon einmal jemand von den vielen fantastischen Chancen erzählt, die im Verborgenen blühen? Die Zeit ist überreif, die Zusammen...
28 / 07 / 2017
The 2017 (12th) Conference on Urban Development and Planning was held on July 27 to 28, 2017 in Haikou, China.
07 / 05 / 2017
On May 7, 2017, Frey Architekten Group and Jiangxi Zhongsen Group held the signing ceremony of “Zhongsen International Garden Hotel Appartment” cooperating project, in “Green Capital” Freiburg, in Germany.
04 / 05 / 2017
Extract (German):Das Bauen ist so alt wie das Leben der Menschen. Schon immer haben Menschen gebaut, einfach weil es dem Leben gedient hat. Und schon immer haben die Menschen mit Herausforderungen, die mit dem Bauen einhergehen, umgehen müssen. Die technischen Möglichkeiten verändern sich beständig, aber die grundlegenden Empfindungen der Menschen bleiben gleich. Der vorliegende Aphorismenband erzählt in lockerer Abfolge von den Gedanken der Menschen vom Bau. Das Bauen dient allen Menschen, und die Menschen vom Bau haben daraus ihre Einsichten gewonnen.
27 / 03 / 2017
Frey Architekten’s Heidelberg Village Named Finalist in Fast Company’s 2017 WORLD CHANGING IDEAS AWARDS. Other Honorees include AIRBNB, GE, etsy and Microsoft.Freiburg, March 27, 2017
22 / 03 / 2017
Peking, 03.22.2017 – The „International Conference on Green and Energy-Efficient Building & New Technologies and Products Expo“ (IGEBC) is taking place for the thirteenth time in China’s capital city with over 3,000 participants including politicians, business leaders and scientists as well as 300 exhibitors from around the world.
20 / 03 / 2017
On March 20, 2017, Mr. Wolfgang Frey, chairman of Frey Architekten Group, Ms. Jiakun Wang, partner & CEO of China region and Mr. Zhiyong Xu, secretary-general of Passive House Alliance of China visited the construction site of “Honggu Yipin” passive house kindergarten which is located in Nanchang, Jiangxi.
02 / 03 / 2017
Asia’s Largest Passive House development is currently under construction on a site covering almost 200 acres in Qingdao, China.
13 / 02 / 2017
Berlin, February 13, 2017 – The world’s largest environmental prize GreenTec Awards will be awarded on May 12, 2017 in Berlin and will be televised to an audience of over 100 million viewers.
11 / 01 / 2017
Jan. 11, 2017, Ms. Dolly Han, managing director of Dotting Engineering (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., visited Frey Architekt with a delegation of 18 members in “Green Capital” Freiburg in Germany. Besides, the delegation also visited passive house buildings in Rieselfeld residential district as well as the renovated library of Freiburg University in the city center.