The First Committee of the Fourth PHAChina of China Association of Building Energy Efficiency

The First Committee of the Fourth PHAChina of China Association of  Building Energy Efficiency

On March 30, 2021, the fourth committee of the Passive House Alliance(PHA)  of China Association of  Building Energy Efficiency(CABEE) was successfully held in Shanghai for two days. 

  • Conference name
  • The 1st Committee of the 4th PHAChina of CABEE
  • Meeting Time
  • 30.03.2021
  • Meeting place
  • Shanghai, China

This is the first meeting of the fourth committee. Participants included not only the chairman of China Association of  Building Energy Efficiency and all members of the committee, but also representatives of important domestic and international partners. The German Frye Construction Group was invited to participate in the meeting and was selected as the fourth standing committee unit.

The meeting officially started at 9:30 am on the 30th, chaired by the secretary-general of the PHA China, Ms. Li Xiaoxu, and introduced the meeting schedule. The leaders of the CABEE delivered speeches. The rotating chairman of the third committee, Mr. Zhang Xu, carried out the work of the previous session. 

The important content of this meeting is the voting for the fourth standing committee of the PHAChina. Mr. Xu Zhiyong, Honorary Secretary-General of the Special Committee, will announce the election rules and organize the voting of the committee.

After the successful completion of the reelection, the fourth session of the committee held the first meeting of the standing council. The personnel arrangements and the 2021 work plan were determined at the meeting. During the meeting, a technical salon and a visit to zero-carbon buildings were held. The members of the special committee were invited The important cooperative organizations and representatives of the group have carried out adequate technical and experience exchanges.

Ms. Wang Jiakun, partner and president of Frey Construction Group in Germany, delivered a speech on 'International Zero-Carbon Building and Zero-Carbon Community Case Sharing' in the Technology Exchange Salon.

In the speech, Ms. Wang Jiakun introduced the most representative cases of zero-carbon building monomers and zero-carbon communities in the world and conducted in-depth analysis. 

At the same time, in the second half of the speech, Ms. Wang also discussed the development and exploration of zero-energy buildings under the vision of carbon neutral, centering on the national '14th Five-Year' economic development program just released not long ago, and shared passive house architecture. The international experience of technology application believes that the prospect of China's zero-carbon building is an inevitable direction to meet the needs of the country's economic development, and all walks of life are invited to carry out active exchanges and cooperation on this basis.

In the technology salon forum, Mr. Xu Qiang, chief engineer of Shanghai Jianke Technology Group, gave a speech on 'Southern Clean Heating Preliminary Discussion', and Mr. Zeng Jianlong, general manager of Landsea Holding Group R&D Center, gave an introduction to 'Landsea Green Center Energy-enhancing Building Practice' . Ms. Wang Zheng from the Architectural Design Group of Tongji University introduced the relevant content of 'Exploration of Zero Energy Buildings under the Vision of Carbon Neutrality'.

After this meeting, on the basis of the successful completion of the reorganization, the PHA China always maintains the optimization and active creativity of the organization, can achieve the goal of the establishment of the association to the greatest extent, and lead the building to develop in a more energy-efficient and healthier direction. Sustainable human settlements in the future.
