Green Climate City Uppsala - a new Swedish Freiburg?

Green Climate City Uppsala - a new Swedish Freiburg?

A city and region with a long history and deep roots. And also a city in a region undergoing sharp changes. Sweden's fourth largest city - in Sweden's largest rural municipality. A city and region with a strong identity. At the same time, increasingly integrated in the metropolitan region, with the vision of becoming Europe's best metropolitan region in 2035. What is Uppsala's role in this development?

  • Conference name
  • Meeting Time
  • 04.02.2020
  • Meeting place

Tomas Stavbom, Regional Manager at the Chamber of Commerce in the County of Uppsala and organizer of “Disting”, invited key industry leaders and political elites to a dialogue about a more sustainable urban development in Upsala. The meeting was held on February 4, 2020, in the academy 'Norrlands Nation' with this year’s first main theme 'What lessons can be learned from previous urban planning and what should be sought in the future'.


Uppsala has changed tremendously in a relatively short time. Still, the greatest opportunities await around the corner. Like the challenges. Following Stavboom’s invitation,

 German architect and businessman Wolfgang Frey from Freiburg, took the chance to introduce to the audience pick pointed highlights on the sustainable development of the southern German city during that evening.


Wolfgang Frey is one of the main characters for the development that has taken place in terms of urban development and successful local business in Freiburg. He currently works as a builder, businessman and social entrepreneur. For decades he has been a pioneer in designing and building houses and neighborhoods based on ecological, social and economic sustainability. Based on man and with the world as a field of work.
