Frey Group Supports Suzhou Boyada Group Headquarters Building Project

Frey Group Supports Suzhou Boyada Group Headquarters Building Project

Frey Group will provide sustainable architectural design and related certification consulting services for the new headquarters building of Boyada Survey Planning and Design Co., Ltd. in Suzhou. 

  • Visiting unit
  • Boyada Group
  • Place to visit
  • Suzhou, China
  • Visit the project
  • Boyada Group Headquarters Building Project

The headquarters building will incorporate multiple passive green energy-saving and zero-carbon building technologies, with the project goal of constructing a cluster industrial park for green buildings and creating a globally leading demonstration area in terms of technology.

Boyada Survey Planning and Design Co., Ltd. in Suzhou is an integrated pilot unit of production, education, and research affiliated with Suzhou University. Established in 2003, the company focuses on land spatial planning, industrial development planning, urban and rural planning, ecological and environmental planning, farmland construction planning and design, ecological restoration project design, landscape tourism planning and design, water resources planning and design, transportation planning and design, architectural design, public space art design, and other fields. The company also provides natural resource management consulting, land approval services, natural resource (real estate) evaluation, real estate registration agency, natural resource survey, surveying and mapping (geographic information management), geological exploration, construction project general contracting, and project management services. With a service philosophy of 'doing everything possible to maximize benefits,' the company has provided efficient, high-quality, and considerate professional services, earning wide acclaim from customers and consistently being recognized as an AAA-level credit enterprise for multiple years.

On June 1st, Mr. Wolfgang Frey, Chairman of Frey Architectural Group, Ms. Wang Jiakun, Group Partner and China CEO, and Ms. Duan Zhilan, Design Department Manager, traveled to Suzhou to participate in the project discussion meeting for Boyada Headquarters Building. Mr. Yan Jinquan, Chairman of Boyada Group, Professor Shen Jinghua, Director of Green Building and New Energy Research Center, Prof. Chen Shougong, Green Building Advisor of Boyada Group and phi cooperative expert, Dr. Lai Yuzhi, Group General Manager, and the group's project team attended the meeting. The German Frey project team's in-depth research on the local construction environment and the distinctive climatic conditions in Suzhou during the initial project design phase received full recognition from Boyada Group.

Both parties confirmed the direction of sustainable design development for the project and conducted in-depth discussions on the initial plans and overall project goals. At the same time, they unanimously agreed that to truly implement sustainable green and zero-carbon building projects, it is necessary to cultivate personnel who have a comprehensive understanding of sustainable concepts and are proficient in relevant construction techniques. Professional technical training is a prerequisite for improving building quality. Taking a long-term perspective, both parties hope to further collaborate and conduct vocational training for passive house and green building technology workers in the local area, making all-round efforts to ensure the high-quality implementation of the Boyada Headquarters project.

In this collaboration, Frey Architectural Group leverages its professional experience and technical advantages in the field of green and energy-saving buildings, combining them with the regional advantages and rich project experience of Boyada Survey Planning and Design Co., Ltd. in Suzhou, to jointly create a high-standard landmark energy-saving building. This project will not only become one of the excellent energy-saving demonstration projects in the Suzhou area but also make a positive contribution to the achievement of China's 2060 carbon neutrality target.

The design work for the headquarters building will commence in the near future, with plans to officially begin construction this year. This building will be the latest masterpiece of Frey Group and one of the representative works of sustainable green and low-carbon buildings in Suzhou, demonstrating the cooperation and innovation between China and Germany in sustainable development and green building.
