The Air Rescue Centers (DRF Luftrettung) on the airfield of Freiburg consist of new, autonomous types of buildings whose structures can be derived from an analysis of the complex specifications profile.
Accordingly, the Air Rescue Center is divided into three different utilization areas:
a) Helicopter zone with maintenance and mission preparation area: if necessary, helicopter aggregates may have to be replaced overnight to ensure they are ready to head out on assignments.
b) Storage of medications: given that the rescue helicopter assignments are usually emergency missions, all medications required in the event of emergencies have to be available at the station.
c) Break rooms and assignment center for crews on call: after an emergency notification is received via the radio control center, the crew needs maximum 2 minutes to takeoff.
IT enterprise Atrics develops air controller systems that make the coordination of aircraft movements at large airports more efficient as well as safer. From airport control towers, the users of these systems have an overview of all operating fields at the airport. In order to be able to develop and present its systems, the company has to simulate the functions of the system in actual flight operations. The building’s features are the same as those of actual airport towers, but they must not compete with the local tower at the Freiburg airport.
The load bearing main pillars reach all the way up to the attic floor, where they support the exterior wall. On the main floor, they reduce the arch span of the load bearing structure and reduce the bending moment as the ceiling, thanks to the inversion of the supports, becomes the static two-field support.