Qingdao Sino-German Ecological Park-Smart Green Tower

Qingdao Sino-German Ecological Park-Smart Green Tower

The Smart Green Tower project is located in the core area of Sino-German Future City D2 in Qingdao Sino-German Ecological Park, with an above-ground construction area of about 9,100 square meters and an underground construction area of 3,400 square meters.


The designer of the green tower project is the local design and research center of China Architecture Design and Research Institute

The building is close to the landscape river in the area, and the whole is in the shape of a ladder facing south. The pedestrian landscape ramp system on the south and east facades is used to undertake the greening of the river bank and introduce the landscape into the building. While serving as a tourist path, the ramp system also plays the role of fixed sunshade for the building, reducing the cooling energy consumption of the building in summer through the evaporation and shading of the green plants on the facade. The south-facing roof of the building adopts a building photovoltaic integrated design, which provides shading for the building while generating electricity.


The main building has 9 floors, and its internal functions include energy storage exhibition center, green energy exhibition center, smart grid control exhibition center, zero energy consumption experience room, training room, conference room, office, aquaponics system exhibition center, ecological restaurant, etc. . It will be built into a zero-carbon demonstration building integrating living, office, business and public services. The building uses various energy-saving measures in design, such as passive energy-saving technology, roof and facade photovoltaic panels, roof green plants, facade external shading, landscape rainwater collection and storage tanks, etc., to fully reach the limit of building energy conservation and emission reduction.


In this project, German Frey Group-WFP Architekten cooperated deeply with the architectural design unit the local design and research center of China Architecture Design and Research Institute(Cui Kai Architectural Design Studio) to provide passive house technology, zero-carbon building technology, production capacity technology, energy storage technology and Technical consulting work for smart grid systems. After the energy consumption and production capacity design optimization, the energy consumption of the building (including the energy consumption of all activities in the building: heating, cooling and dehumidification, auxiliary power consumption of equipment, lighting, elevators, hot water, various electrical appliances, etc.) and production capacity can reach the annual balance. The building power system adopts intelligent control, equipped with battery energy storage and flexible load adjustment functions, so that the self-consumption rate of renewable energy reaches 80%.


The project intends to achieve the following construction goals:

1. The first new public building in China with the German Passive House Institute (PHI) Plus certification mark

2. China's first high-rise zero-energy building in cold regions

3. China's first high-rise zero-carbon building in cold regions

4. China's first high-rise double-zero building in cold regions (zero energy consumption, zero carbon emission)

5. The first or largest high-rise civil building in China that applies the 'optical storage, direct and flexible' technology


The source of the renderings of the project scheme: the local design and research center of China Architecture Design and Research Institute

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  • Typology:
  • Commercial Buildings

  • Client:
  • Qingdao Sino-German Ecological Park
  • Location:
  • Qingdao, China
  • Gross floor area:
  • 9100㎡
